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Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

docile : sang KUCING TERPANJANG di dunia ...

Trouble is hard to miss. This part African wildcat lives in California. Its owner, Debby Maraspina, bred the animal 3 years ago. She is happy that her cat, docile as a kitten, has risen to fame.

Trouble is 19 inches (48.2 cm) tall from paw to shoulder. It is the Guinness-record certified tallest cat in the world, topping the previous record holder by an inch (2.5 cm).

1The Tallest Cat in the World 2The Tallest Cat in the World 3The Tallest Cat in the World 4The Tallest Cat in the World 5The Tallest Cat in the World 6The Tallest Cat in the World 7The Tallest Cat in the World 8The Tallest Cat in the World 9The Tallest Cat in the World 10The Tallest Cat in the World 11The Tallest Cat in the World 12The Tallest Cat in the World 13The Tallest Cat in the World KOTAK KOMENTAR

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