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Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

ini baru yang nama nya UNYU ....

All these photos will make you say "Awwww," they are so cute.

A tiny piglet walking into your hand.

1 The Cutest Pictures Ever

Another tiny piglet in some grass.

2The Cutest Pictures Ever

A momma pitbull carrying her babies.

3The Cutest Pictures Ever

"I'm ready for my walk."

4The Cutest Pictures Ever

Don't be shy, little guy.

5The Cutest Pictures Ever

Failed family photo.

6The Cutest Pictures Ever

"What's that?!"

7The Cutest Pictures Ever

A tree full of baby bears.

8The Cutest Pictures Ever

Baby hippo bath time.

9The Cutest Pictures Ever

Nap time!

10The Cutest Pictures Ever

Rat nap with a teddy bear.

11The Cutest Pictures Ever

A kitten in a kleenix bed.

12The Cutest Pictures Ever

Owls kissing.

13The Cutest Pictures Ever

The lion cat.

14The Cutest Pictures Ever

A pug staring longingly at a cookie.

15The Cutest Pictures Ever

Baby goat on a skateboard.

16The Cutest Pictures Ever

Push up pandas.

17The Cutest Pictures Ever


18The Cutest Pictures Ever

Piggyback pool ride.

19The Cutest Pictures Ever

Japanese dwarf flying squirrel.

20The Cutest Pictures Ever

Boston terriers cuddling on a couch.

21The Cutest Pictures Ever

Baby giraffe.

22The Cutest Pictures Ever

A little penguin.

23The Cutest Pictures Ever


24The Cutest Pictures Ever

Momma hedgehog and a baby.

25The Cutest Pictures Ever

Baby elephants stroll.

26The Cutest Pictures Ever

Baby seal.

27The Cutest Pictures Ever

You're upside down!

28The Cutest Pictures Ever

Who's bigger?

29The Cutest Pictures Ever

A turtle enjoying its bath.

30The Cutest Pictures Ever

Bear cub with his teddy bear friend.

31The Cutest Pictures Ever

Last but not least, a dog with a bear purse.

32The Cutest Pictures Ever

And one more for good luck.

33The Cutest Pictures Ever

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