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Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

MENGHIDUPKAN pohon yang mati dengan WARNA WARNI

Talk about turning an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan â€" Curtis Killorn is single handedly reviving dead trees in Colorado by painting them in bright beautiful colors. The result, as these beautiful pictures show, is magnificent. I absolutely love this original and very creative art work and thank the artist for generously sharing his pictures and link with me.

1 Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 2Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 3Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 4Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 5Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 6Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 7Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 8Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 9Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 10Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 11Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado 12Dead Trees Come Alive In Colorado KOTAK KOMENTAR nb : jika kotak komentar tidak muncul, refresh aja gan (tekan F5)

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