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Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Musibah Costa Concordia Mirip Dengan Beberapa Scene di Titanic

Disaster: Lifeboats can be seen fleeing the doomed Costa Concordia moments after it hit rocks off the Italian island of Giglio on January 13

Musibah Costa Concordia ini terjadi pada 13 Januari 2012

Fleeing: The boats can be seen in the waters near the island of Giglio while passengers wait to board others still on board. At the prow of the ship, holidaymakers can be seen attempting to make their way to safety

Kapal yang hampir tenggelam ini dekat dengan pulau Giglio

Escape: A boat is seen near the front of the ship being lowered into the water, containing holidaymakers who minutes earlier had been enjoying dinner

Para penumpang kapal ini sedang menikmati makan malamnya sebelum musibah datang

Dramatic: The listing ship moments after she ran aground, with the lights giving the gloomy waters an eerie glow

Kejadiannya dramatis dari musibah ini

Passengers at the rear on the starboard side wait to climb aboard those lifeboats which haven't already been deployed

Para penumpang yang tengah diselamatkan

Clean up: An oil recovery platform is seen next to the ship this evening, allowing ease of access for rescuers to the liner and assuring no fuel can escape

Membersihkan: Minyak yang tercecer akibat miringnya kapal .

Checks: A firefighting team perform operations around the ship today. The officers were assessing anti-oil spill booms, seen in the foreground

Mengecek: Para member Firefighting mengecek minyak yang bercecer

Operations: A coast guard team pulls up alongside the ship earlier today. Divers have today used explosives to help access to decks

Operations: A coast guard team pulls up alongside the ship earlier today. Divers have today used explosives to help access to decks

Italian Firefighters prepare for operations around the Costa Concordia

Para member dari Italian firefighting department sedang belajar untuk merescue

An Italian Fire Department prepars for further operations around the wrecked cruise ship

Para member dari Italian firefighting bersiap untuk misi penyelmatan dengan diving agar dekat degan kapal

Pictures from when Concordia went down were reminiscent of the 1912 sinking of Titanic, recreated here by the 1997 James Cameron film

Saat Concordia tenggelam mirip dengan tenggelamnya scene Titanic yang dibuat ulang pada tahun 1997 oleh James Cameron film

sumber :http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2091752/Costa-Concordia-pictures-lifeboats-fleeing-like-scene-Titanic.html

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