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Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

POHON TERTUA DIDUNIA itu pun akhir nya MUSNAH !!!

Bald cypress tree that grew in Central Florida, was 3,500 years old and 125 feet (38 meters) tall is now gone. Police is searching for the person who destroyed the tree known as “The Senator” by fire.

1One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 2One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 3One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 4One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 5One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 6One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 7One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 8One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 9One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 10One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 11One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 12One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 13One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 14One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 15One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 16One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 17One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone 18One of the Oldest Trees in the World Is Gone KOTAK KOMENTAR nb : jika kotak komentar tidak muncul, refresh aja gan (tekan F5)

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