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Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

TRADISI GOKIL : makin kecil kaki nya dibilang MAKIN CANTIK !!!

These are Chinese women who have feet that are deformed as a result of the drastic measures that are taken to keep their feet small such as having their toes or arches broken and of course, of wearing shoes that are much too small. In China a sign of femininity for girls is to have small feet. The result is feet that are deformed.

1Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 2Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 3Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 4Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 5Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 6Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 7Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 8Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 9Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 10Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 11Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet 12Scary Chinese Tradition Makes Deformed Feet KOTAK KOMENTAR nb : jika kotak komentar tidak muncul, refresh aja gan (tekan F5)

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